All About Bands and Topknots:
Explanation of tiny bands on dog bows and how to use
and preserve your dog bows and bands.
How To Make a Simple Casual Shih Tzu Topknot:
Step by step instructions with illustrations showing
you how to make a topknot and place your dog bow
securely into the topknot.
How To Make A Shih Tzu Show Topknot Like The
Pros: Step by step instructions with illustrations
showing you how to make a topknot for show Shih Tzu
and place the show bow securely into the topknot.
How To Band A Shih Tzu In Maintenance Topknots:
Step by step instructions with illustrations showing
how to section and band the hair on your show Shih
Tzu in maintenance banding.
Shih Tzu Cut Down:
Step by Step Shih Tzu Cut Down:
Step by step illustrations and explanations follow
the cut down of a finished Shih Tzu into a cute
"Pantaloon Cut" that is popular with Shih Tzu
Tzu Cut Down II: Step by Step Shih Tzu Cut Down:
Step by step illustrations and explanations follow
the cut down of a finished Shih Tzu into a cute
"Teddy Cut" that is popular with Shih Tzu
Grooming Your Shih Tzu by Doggie Bow Ties:
An article of explanation for
the new Shih Tzu owner who is learning to
groom their Shih Tzu with the proper tools and
techniques described in detail.
Grooming Your Shih Tzu: Give
Your Shih Tzu Puppy A Bath
Shih Tzu Grooming Tips:
Clipping the Nose
Hair: The how, whys, and regrets of
clipping the Shih Tzu facial hair on the muzzle.
Dog Bows and The Power of Color by Doggie Bow Ties:
Choosing a dog bow color to compliment your Shih
Tzu's coat color based on your goals for
Capture That Canine Moment:
Tips For Taking Better Pictures of Your Dog. For the novice who wants to improve their
techniques for photographing their dog.
Save A Dog Bow:
Dog Bow Care and rejuvenation
Recipe Corner Cookies for Dogs by
Doggie Bow Ties®:
Taste tested and nutritional cookie recipes for you
to make for your dog!
How To Choose A Dog Bow:
"Fun" Dog Bow Sizing Help:
Sizing help for choosing an appropriate sized dog
bow for your dog.
How To Choose a Show Dog Bow: Show Bows
Sizing Help: Sizing help for choosing an
appropriate sized dog bow for your show dog.